克拉亨村莊與大西洋之橋(Clachan Village and Atlantic Bridge)
奧本西南方有個名為希爾(Isle of Seil)的島,跟本島阿蓋爾(Argyll)最窄的地方不過間隔十幾公尺,因此在1792年動工造橋連結兩地,由約翰史蒂文生(John Stevenson)設計,工程師羅伯特麥因(Robert MyIne)興建,1793年完工。這座石砌的橋,可以承受四十噸重,橋面很狹窄,大巴士要通過也相當勉強。蓋爾語Clach Na Sula,一般熟知的稱呼是克拉亨橋或大西洋橋。
過了橋之後會看到一間白色小屋,上面掛著蓋爾語標示「Tigh an Truish Inn(褲子之屋)」。這間屋子起源於1745年詹姆士黨起義(Jacobite rebellions),帶頭的英俊王子失敗後,為了報復蘇格蘭人,從此禁止穿蘇格蘭裙。從外島居民要到本島時候,就得停在這個地方,換上褲子才能到不列顛本島。有首民謠「Donald, where is your trousers?(唐納,你的褲子在那兒?)」,就是在描述這個時期的故事,高地居民唐納總是穿著蘇格蘭裙,當他從天空島要去本島的時候,發現他沒有褲子可穿。
I've just come down
From the Isle of Skye
I'm not very big and I'm awful shy
And the lassies shout when I go by
Donald, where's your troosers
Let the wind blow high
Let the wind blow low
Through the streets
In my kilt, I'll go
All the lassies say hello
Donald, where's your troosers
A lassie took me to a ball
And it was slippery in the hall
And I was feared that I would fall
For I had nae on my troosers
Now I went down to London Town
And I had some fun in the underground
The ladies turned their heads around
Saying, Donald, where are your trousers
To wear the kilt is my delight
It is not wrong I know it's right
The Highlanders would get a fright
If they saw me in the trousers
The lassies want me every one
Well, let them catch me if they can
You canna take the breaks
If a Highland man
And I don't wear the troosers
Donald, where's your troosers
Donald, where's your troo